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Romans 5:3-5
This is a voice we need. You fill a niche, Blake, that is not being filled. We need you. Keep it going. I’m new to your podcast but hanging on every word. I’m an X-vangelical too. I think there are a lot of us out here. Refusing to compromise our faith over a mobster cult like worship of someone whom doesn’t hold the honor or integrity required for any public service position, let alone president, which he has mistaken for king. We need your voice. We all need each other in this space. We can make it through this time if we all x-evangelicals do so together. Praying for you.
Really good resource
This has been a big help listening to this and being able to know you aren’t alone in your journey. Blake brings in good speakers and stories. That being said, Blake is also not a journalist so it can sometimes be a tough listen with a lot of repeating and filler words.
This is the podcast I’ve needed!
I left my faith because I was so disturbed by evangelical loyalty to Trump. I couldn’t believe that people with the Holy Spirit indwelling them would destroy their witness for the dumbest golden calf ever. It was a cataclysmic event in my life that I will doubtless continue to struggle with for years. This podcast has helped me know that I am not alone. Thank you!
Excellent podcast
An excellent podcast! No matter what stage of deconstruction you are in, Blake’s podcast logically speaks to every listener. Keep up the great work.
Excellent Excellent show w Dr Anthea Bulter
More like this, please🙏🏽
You Are Not Alone, Find Healing Leaving Toxic Religion
This podcast helps me understand WHY evangelicals had a certain mindset. Blake is fair, understanding, and searching for the truth just like a lot of us
Required listening
The methods of the “religious” right are thorough, anti-desegregation, pro- Biblical fundamentalism. This podcast is essential to understanding politics in our overly divided country.
Love this show
Blake is a great interviewer, plus an absolute sweetheart. I love listening to him and hearing all the guests’ stories. Such a meaningful show. It makes me feel like I’m not alone with religious trauma.
My heart sighs in relief
I am so grateful for the array of podcasts that now discuss this topic, but “Exvangelical” is especially meaningful to me. There’s no cynicism here. Blake gives his guests generous and informed space to share their stories and I in turn feel like I can give space to my own sadness and hopes as I build a vision for my life that no longer includes the evangelical church.
Easy to listen to and incite full
Not an exvangelical but this is so eye opening
My husband is exvangelical. I grew up in a liturgical tradition and had a way different relationship with faith. Listening has helped me see why he has such responses to seemingly benign things to me. Thank you for this.
One of the best
This is one of the best podcasts out there dealing with White Christian Nationalism. Great, great show.
Really good.
I've loved the Powers & Principalities episodes this season. It's opened up my eyes and new avenues to learn more. Thanks Blake!
So good.
The Powers and Principalities season was rich with detail, well produced, and super helpful to a gal who is exvangelical and trying to wrap my head around this stuff. Understanding the systems at play helps me contextualize the culture I was raised in. Thank you Blake.
Safe space to process deconstruction!
This podcast is absolutely needed. I am so grateful for the opportunity to listen and share with my deconstructing friends as I shift from a life of deep-rooted religious hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance to freedom and acceptance of broader perspectives. Listening to interviews and stories of other people like me who have left the church and live whole and healthy lives is so refreshing, thank you.
So happy to have found Blake’s podcast! I’m an exvangelical but also a Christian cult survivor. Definitely in the deconstruction phase. Thank you for your good work!
Feels like a podcast that is breaking down my entire childhood.
I grew up a home schooled, preacher’s kid, in the south. The grand daughter of generations of ministers and intrenched in evangelical culture my whole life. As I grew up and left the culture it felt like no one really understood me and where I came from and what I went through. But I’ve found a place to call home with this podcast and it’s helped me unpack my past and have a better understanding of this horrible subculture. Thank you and your guests for all you do.
Incredibly Insightful
Blake does an incredible job with this podcast. He provides so much information and analysis in every episode. As an ex-vangelical myself, I think the work he is doing is INCREDIBLY important, especially now. Please keep up the fantastic work!
Calm, Balanced, Compassionate, Real.
The conversations are calm and candid, like an interesting conversation you’d have with new friends in the host’s living room on a Friday night. The guests are people with interesting but familiar-sounding experiences. There isn’t an agenda or required point of view. These are just conversations (and often laughter) about the long strange journey through and out of American Evangelicalism. Every year, more and more of us can relate to these experiences. If you’re at all curious, you won’t be sorry you gave this one a try.
A Salve To The Weary Soul
This podcast is a straightforward, unaffected, ego-free, honest look into the damaging effects of (primarily) White American Evangelicalism. It does so via thorough, “Fresh Air” style interviews with a wide variety of guests that provide compelling, personal and professional data and stories. These interviews then often shine a light toward the making of something new and beautiful and more whole out of the broken pieces of ourselves left over by the corrupt evangelical system. This show has been a salve for my weary soul. An excellent podcast.
Gives me Hope
Thank you for your intelligent analysis of current Evangelical culture and how so many of us, that once deeply belonged no longer have a place. This podcast has comforted my broken heart..,I am not alone, and there is power in the perspective of an ex-evangelical, particularly in fractious American life.
Thank you, Blake for this podcast!
I found this podcast last year while trying to find others who have left Evangelical Christianity. The episodes are filled with relatable content and Blake is a wonderful host! So thankful for access to a podcast like this.
Excellent show
Hi Blake
Very good!
This is a great podcast if, like me, you’ve struggled to understand conservative evangelicals and the politics they espouse. Blake is a very compassionate host and the tech issues have improved since I began listening
Much Needed
The voices on this podcast are much needed, especially during these times. I’ve been a listener since near the beginning of the podcast in 2016, just as I was leaving evangelicalism. It’s been a constant source of hope for me, knowing I’m not alone. I also love the diversity of the guests. Many podcasts fail at this and fail miserably, but this one is pretty good.
Fascinating and helpful
Extremely thoughtful and, as someone who has a personal connection to the topic, helpful and validating to hear of others who have similar experiences to my own. Excited and interested to hear even more.
Incredibly helpful
This podcast has been one of the most helpful things for me as I have decided to leave Christianity. It has been incredibly insightful to listen to all the different stories of what it is like for others to deconstruct their faith.
Excellent podcast in content and meaning
This is a fascinating podcast that not only has great content, but is done incredibly well. For those who are questioning their faith and equally for those who want to know why people are leaving their Chuch.. this podcast sheds light on many aspects of the Evangelical sect in the United States and the impact it has had on a diverse range of people as they share their stories . For those of you wondering, it isn’t a loud podcast- it’s not anti-Christian and some of the guests have left fundamentalist churches, but some also have stayed in more liberal traditions . The interviews are well done and very interesting, covering a wide variety of experiences and topics. Great production value as well!
Really meaningful content
If you’ve left the Evangelical world, this podcast offers a lot of healing and perspective. I appreciate it so much. Thank you for this content, Blake! We’re all so grateful for you. Most recent episode sounds great, too!
finally a podcast that gets me
For years I've felt very alone with my deconstruction. Not anymore. Exvangelical has given me so much support, advice, hope and comfort in my life since leaving evangelicalism. I am very grateful.