Oct. 24, 2018
On Josh Harris’ IKDG “Apology.”
Two days ago, Josh Harris–the infamous author of purity culture books I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Boy Meets Girl–issued a statement. That statement can be found here:
Long story short: he “regrets” some things, but didn’t act on those regrets by pulling these damaging books from shelves until this week, in a run-up to the release of the documentary that centers his journey later next year.
(Joshua Harris is a content strategist now, by the way.)
This is not commendable.
There’s more to be said, but I’m not the best person to do it. Here are some comments on Twitter from women far better qualified than me on this topic.
From Emily Joy:
From Jamie Lee Finch:
From Laura Polk:
From Tori Douglass:
“Exvangelical” – a working definition.
Over the past two years, the term “exvangelical” has gained traction on social media, especially through Twitter & Facebook.
One early criticism of “exvangelical” as a term was that it was overly negative. Since ma…
Watch the CBS Religion documentary “Deconstructing My Religion” on YouTube and On-Demand
This Sunday, CBS Religion released their documentary Deconstructing My Religion featuring me, Chris Stroop, Linda Kay Klein, Emily Joy, and Julie Ingersoll, and other exvangelical voices.
The special is available on all CBS platforms and Yo…